IntegralLamb Programme

Anupro’s IntegralLamb Programme


Anupro IntegralLamb is a revolutionary forage-free system which offers the opportunity not to be limited by land base and forage availability. The IntegralLamb system can be used as a tool to increase output per hectare and profitability within lamb production. The IntegralLamb system offers complete protection of the rumen and allows implementation without supplementation of forage. 

The advantages of this system are: 

  • Zero requirement for forage 
  • Absence of digestive problems
  • Higher carcass performance
     – Better performance on farm
     – Higher kill-out percentage (2.0-4.0%) 
  • Improve the quality and consistency of the final product
  • Cost savings in labour and forage

This programme is ideal for pet lamb and early lambing systems addressing key developmental requirements; 

  1. Optimising gut health and immune competence, preventing disease
  2. Fast-tracks rumen development to facilitate optimal nutrient utilisation and absorption
  3. Protect rumen to optimise functionality, delivering high levels of efficiency

The IntegralLamb Programme takes advantage of the efficiency gains associated with optimal feed conversion rates in early life. These efficiency gains include:

  • Optimising production efficiency for improved economic return
  • Targeting more favourable markets as not relying on forage, improving economic return
  • Higher stocking density on farm, yielding a higher output per ewe and output per hectare
  • Lower carbon footprint of lamb production
    • Reducing the age at slaughter will reduce lifetime dry matter intake, water consumption and methane emissions per unit of product produced
    • A forage-free system will greatly reduce methane emissions per unit of product produced

The charts detail the IntegralLamb programmes which outline the products and timings required to deliver optimal production (product overview below). Two programmes have been outlined here, one from Birth for pet lambs or sucking lambs indoors, and the other for weaned lambs. The key to success within these programmes is ensuring lambs have access to fresh clean water at all times and that feed is offered ad libitum.

(Birth / entry and during periods of stress / transition)

  • Boosts inferior colostrum to give lamb the best start
  • First line of defence against parasites (Crypto, E.coli, Salmonella, Coccidia etc.)
  • Optimises immunity, gut health and energy status


  • Increased vitality and productivity
  • Immunoglobulins: supply of antibodies, reinforcing the local intestinal immunity
  • Lactoferrin; bioactive protein naturally found in colostrum


  • Aids prevention of Bacteria (E. Coli and Salmonella), Virus (Rotavirus), Protozoa Parasites (Cryptosporidium) and Coccidiosis
  • Natural organic acids that decrease pH of gut


  • Specifically designed for maximum digestibility
  • High levels of available nutrients
  • Optimises gut health and nutrient absorption

Quickstart Lamb

  • High quality ingredients to aid palatability and digestibility
  • Key in metabolically programming your lamb to positively impact lifetime performance
  • Develops rumen whilst optimising nutrient intake


  • Follow-on from Quickstart
  • Attractive appearance and digestibility delivers high consumption
  • Key in metabolically programming your lamb to positively impact lifetime performance
  • Promotes early weaning

IntegralLamb Transition

  • Specifically designed to transition lambs who have had high consumption of forage 
  • Additional rumen protection by slowing down the rate of fermentation 
  • Facilitates optimal rumen microflora transition


  • Follow-on from Papinlamb / IntegralLamb transition and designed to optimise rumen stability
  • IntegralLamb promotes optimal rumen functional and feed utilisation by offering extra protection 
  • Maximises the genetic potential by achieving high average daily gains and optimum food conversion rates
  • IntegralLamb results in at least a 2.0% improvement in kill-out percentage

Anupro recommend our IntegralLamb Starter Bundle to sustain 50 lambs for the first 2 months. Anupro also welcome the opportunity to tailor this solution to meet your specific requirements. 

For more information

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Anupro place quality assurance as a top priority with complete traceability of our entire product range. We participate in assurance schemes which have been developed to ensure optimum feed and animal safety.

As well as addressing the key elements of animal production systems; nutrition, housing and health, Anupro maintain an astute awareness of the environment and energy usage and all our processes are optimised for environmental sustainability.